In the Fields tab, navigate to an EFR that needs to be shared.
Click on a field within your field list.
Or, select a boundary on the map to open the pop-up. Then select the pop-up.
Before an EFR can be shared, it must be certified in order to verify that it is correct.
Use the Ceritfy EFR guide to help with this step. Quick Calculate
Review the data to confirm it is correct, then certify the EFR
On the same ellipsis button, there will now be an option to share the EFR.
When clicking on the share button, the name of users with common field boundaries will populate.
Select who the EFR is to be shared with
In order to share an EFR, both Farmobile DataEngine℠ accounts must contain the same boundary to tie the shared EFR to. At this time, users are only given the option to share an EFR if a >95% boundary match exists
Verify that sharing the EFR was successful
If the EFR is to be shared with a user that does not have a Farmobile account, select the circle and enter an email
An email will be sent to the user notifying that there has been an EFR shared
The sharee will now be able to view the EFR
It will be noted that the EFR is shared and comes form an external source.
The EFR will also be a "Read Only" and will not be able to be edited by the user.
The sharer will be able to unshare the EFR at anytime using a similar process.
Find the EFR that is shared and click the ellipses button.
Instead of a "Share EFR" button, there will be an "Unsheare EFR" button
Unshare the EFR
Verify that the EFR is no longer shared by viewing the botton left corner
There will no longer be an icon that notes the EFR is shared